We are grateful for all the work our peers and predecessors have done. We appreciate all contributions and please let us know if you feel we have missed someone from this very subjective list.
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.
Atlas Platform Pro has been released, we announced new subscription model and certificate trainings
We have started our journey of taking Atlas Platform to a next level
Teal Compass is released with two free developmental lines: Psychological Safety and Value Creation
Polish translation released
Largest Teal Compass online survey with 5000 participant at Telekom Hungary
3rd Global Solstice Gathering by IntegralHUB
Teal Compass platform development has started
Based on the learning from the January survey the questions and answers were rewritten
Atlas Platform advanced survey customization options released
Indonesian translation released
Online survey is validated in Telekom Hungary with 800 people
2nd Global ReOrgMap Open Space by IntegralHUB
First prototype of online survey is tested
Online survey development has started
1st Global ReOrgMap Open Space by IntegralHUB
Türkish translation released
Surveyed the community and finalized the business plan for the Integral HUB
Swedish translation released
Romanian and Chinese translation released
First International seminar held in Taiwan about Integral Theory based Organizational Development and the Reinventing Organization Map
Map with Spiral Dynamics colors and Catalan translation released
Second in person meeting of the Integral HUB where we further strengthened the will to wook together and created
Japanese translation released
French translation released
First in person meeting with Sivia, Monika, Bernhard from IMU Augsburg and establishing Integral HUB
v1.0 of the Atlas Platform released with lots of improvements: statistical calculations, input from participants, display results are editable and more…
Reestablishing connection with IMU Augsburg
Training about self managing team for the European Commission
German translation released
Italian translation released
Dutch translation released
Start of the Italian and German translations
Release of the Dutch translation
The Poland Jagellonian University published an academic paper about using the map for mapping their schools
The FB group is growing. We are about to reach 1000 participants.
The Map was introduced on IEC2018 and in the European Committee
Webinars for the Map FB group community
Start of the Dutch translation. A group in Brazil printed the Map on a large carpet to use it as an embodiment exercise
A small group in the UK started a co-creative process aimed to create an online assessment tool based on the Map
Release of the Portuguese, Czech and Danish translations
Start of the French translation
The https://atlas-platform.org/ was released – platform for creating and altering new maps and visualizing results of an org. assessment
The “Sociocracy and Holacracy” book was finished by Ferenc Kiss (member of the group)
Map 2.3 was released – it was the first Open Source – Creative Commons version with additional changes in lines and levels.
Spanish translation released
The Reinventing Organisations Map Facebook group was created
Map 2.2 was released with changes in lines and expressions regards the experiences and feedbacks of the clients
Map 2.1 was released, with minor improvements
Map with a new design and lots of improvements, first international client
The assessment method was introduced
Reinventing Organizations Website is released
The first English version of the Map was released with Integral colors (1.8)
The first Reinventing version of the Map was released (colors were changed from the Spiral Dynamics to the Integral – Reinventing colors) – the explanations for the levels was added
Atlas platform group
was born with the former Circle43 and new members, releasing versions of the Map from 1.1-1.8, the Hungarian translation of the Reinventing Organisations book was released with the help of the Circle43
Circle43 group learning summary
Path to quality, eurythmy, psychodrama, creativity, working with small – medium – large organisations on culture change, Tribal Leadership, Conscious Leadership.
2015 Circle43 group learning summary – digital transformation with U process in large enterprises, Path to Quality/Dynamic delegation, Assertivity, salary formulas, foundations of Anthroposophy, Teal as a concept, money in Teal, Facilitation kickstart team foundation, the Teal foundations of the Agile, System thinking, first contact with George Pór
2014 Circle43 learning summary – purpose and goal setting methods, metric systems for soft skills (+visualisation with graphyte), enneagram, wholeness, Management 3.0, Oz accountability, Theory U
2014 Aug – contacting IMU – Monika Luger – starting conversation about collaboration – creating a first web page for the map with a reference to IMU, experimentation with the integral competence map, changing some of its lines and expressions
2014 Jun – Szabolcs Emich translated the IMU map to Hungarian language – also re-created the map in Keynote so it could be extended and modified easily
2014 May – Miklós Vitai met IMU map on European Integral conference. There was no other languages available that time than German.
2014 – Frederic Laloux: Reinventing Organisations book was released
2013 – The Circle 43 COP (community of practice) group was born in Hungary – main focus on empathy, Agile coaching, salutogenesis, NLP, Holacracy, OKR, Toastmasters, grit, devops, Startups, Jira
2008 – Alex Osterwalder and his colleagues introduced the Business Model Canvas
2007 – Holacracy was born
2001 – Agile manifesto was born
2000 – Otto Scharmer – Theory U book was released
1996 – the Spiral Dynamics book was released
1993 – the facilitation became a profession, born out of Kanban
1990 – Peter Senge: “The 5th principle” book was published
1989 – Stephen Coveys book “7 habits of highly effective peoples” book was published
1975 – NLP was born
1974 – Beck presented the concepts behind Spiral Dynamics
1973 – Ken Wilber’s first book about Integral theory was released
1970 – the dawn of the system thinking
1967 – Arthur Koestler’s book about the Holon concept was released (part of the modern Integral theory)
1951 – Rogers presented the idea of empathy (before that only the sympathy and antipathy existed)
1950 – dawn of modern project management and the Lean
1943 – the Maslow pyramid was born
1939 – Jean Gebser presented the first version of the Integral Theory
1917 – Rudolf Steiner presented the concept of threefolding – a concept of modern society
1914 – Aurobindo started using the expression: Integral (he is also the founder of integral – Purna – yoga)
1912 – Jung introduced the concepts of extrovert – introvert, the collective unconscious, persona, shadow, anima and animus, the Selbst
1900 – Taylor has presented the concept of scientific management
XX-th century – Anthroposophy (modern integration of the western and eastern wisdom) was born
XIX-th century – the dawn of psychology (Freud)
XVII-th century – the dawn of materialism (Bacon, Descartes)
XV-th century – the dawn of consciousness – new era starts where the main quests are: understanding, questioning, consciousness, conscious fate, forgiveness, conscious love