Welcome to the Reinventing Organizations Map community,
After a long period of silence we reached a point where there are so many amazing news in the world of Teal organization movement or rather say humanizing the workplace that we feel obliged to start talking and share these with you.
But first let’s talk about the WHY!
Many of us have children and since they joined us on this beautiful planet, they have been helping us to see and focus on problems that we haven’t been aware of before. Because of them we have been looking into several issues present in our society today, we have helped legalize home birthing when our children were born, we helped setting up and manage alternative Waldorf kindergartens and schools. Now we are looking into their future and think about where our children going to work.
Would we want them to work in places where people are considered resources or human robots?
Of course not!

We want them to participate in communities where people come together to collaborate and contribute, because they realize that their purpose brought them together to be part of something bigger than just themselves. Where they can be part of the larger economy that considers even the planet itself. Where joy, fun and laughter expressed daily. Where conflict, empathy, vulnerability is viewed as the essential of human existence and people are routinely practicing the art of conflict that allows them to grow. Where there’s time to slow down, to think, to ponder, to feel, to sense, to experiment, to create, to fail and stand up again and these are all supported by the community.
On this journey of humanizing the workplace, we have created the Reinventing Organizations Map Assessment tool to help organizations understand where they are in their development. With the map they can clearly see what is standing in their way to move toward a brighter future.
We found through case studies that jumping to Teal can be difficult and regression can happen when the foundation is weak. Most of the time it is better to step back, work on the underlying skills and basics and when those are strong moving to Teal happens much simpler.
That’s where the map comes in handy. Through the assessment leaders understand the strengths and challenges of the organization. They can see what are the key points that must be addressed. When those are developed many times a chain reaction of growth occurs due to the fact that the key points were holding back the whole organization.

The map has been through many iterations and we still consider it as a prototype. Why? Because every time we meet a client we have new ideas how to use it, where to adjust it. We constantly hack it and we want to keep it alive.
It has been used successfully in many different scenarios:
- It created awareness about the state of different parts of the business and how to move forward
- It triggered transformations
- It made people start talking to each other about topics that have been shoved under the carpet for years
- It opened up possibilities for change where there was a closed mind before
- It generated very detailed organization development plan for organizations that takes them toward teal
The most standard way of assessing for us is happening through personal interviews, where we collect quotes from different people, with different responsibilities and different level of authority. In the written summary we present visually our findings backed up with the quotes and during a workshop we facilitate what wants to be born right there and then, sometimes the transformation itself, or just the first step of it in the form of an organization development plan.
However it has been used in many other ways:
- Self assessment workshop for smaller organizations
- As a sales tool, just showing the map makes people think and talk
- Marketing: Understanding the consciousness of the target market
- In Poland a group used biography to study the different stages of development for a school and used the map to visualize the transformation
If you are doing something similar in your work
and you would like to contribute or learn about this drop us a line in our facebook group. We are eager to learn more from you, what you need to be able to use the map, or what other crazy idea you might have that we haven’t heard of.
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